Bishop Alan Hopes Visits Tunes For Peace Students

On Monday 16 June 2014, the Palestinian Centre for Rapprochement between People was honoured with a visit by H.E. Bishop Alan Hopes, Bishop of East Anglia in the UK and Reverend Father Paul Maddison of Pilgrimage People.

During the visit, Bishop Hopes and Fr. Maddison had a meeting with a number PCR officers. The meeting included Mr. Michael Rishmawi, Chairman of the Administration Board, Ms. Maheera Tawil-Isaac member of the board, Mr. George N. Rishmawi Executive Director of PCR and Mr. Maher Al-Kassis, the Coordinator of the Tunes For Peace Project.

Bishop Hopes discussed with the PCR officers the importance of the Tunes for Peace Project, to which Pilgrimage People has contributed financially.

The funds by Pilgrimage People helped Tunes for Peace Project introduce new instruments and teach more students.

After the meeting, Bishop Hopes and his secretary, together with Fr. Maddison and had a tour in the centre where the students learn music and attended for few minutes one Guitar class. Another group of Tunes for Peace Students were practicing in the meeting hall, played some Arabic music.

The one hour visit by Bishop Hopes and Fr. Maddison was a great support to our students and teachers and for the entire project.