Tunes For Peace Students
Meet Our Students & Sponsor A Young Musician The young musician sponsorship program is aimed at providing a chance for some young students who dream to become musicians but unable due...
Meet Our Students & Sponsor A Young Musician The young musician sponsorship program is aimed at providing a chance for some young students who dream to become musicians but unable due...
On Monday 16 June 2014, the Palestinian Centre for Rapprochement between People was honoured with a visit by H.E. Bishop Alan Hopes, Bishop of East Anglia in the UK and...
A special concert was organized Saturday in Beit Sahour, at the Greek Catholic School hall which included performances by the Tunes for Peace students. Students had some solo performances on their...
For the second year, The Palestinian Centre for Rapprochement betwen People organizes the Annual Music Concert fo the Tunes for Peace Students. Ths year the concert was organized on Saturday November...
"Light a Candle for Jerusalem", was the slogan under which the candle procession was held this year. Jerusalem issue is one of the hard-to-solve issues in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, as...
On Friday 22 April 2016, a group from Pilgrimage People in the UK visited students of the Tunes for Peace Project, and met with the students and the staff. The group, led by Reverend Father Paul...
For the second year, The Palestinian Centre for Rapprochement betwen People organizes the end of semester Music Concert fo the Tunes for Peace Students. This is the thid concert in...
The Second Semester of Tunes for Peace will start in Mid of January 2018 The Schedule of the new classes will be published soon, once finalized....